Monday, May 17, 2010

The Great G-string Give Away

Ed Hardy Intimates' Satin Foil Touch Tube Tops have always been a favorite. When you give away a FREE matching G-string, a favorite becomes the most favorite. Now through May 31st, when you purchase your most favorite Satin Foil Touch Tube Tob, the matching G-string is FREE!

Always sexy and playful, the tube tops are available in four styles. The Missy Cross is red satin with a foil cross tattoo design. The Love Kills is leopard satin with a foil love kills tattoo design. The Flower is black satin with a foil flower tattoo design, and the Butterfly is cream satin with a foil butterfly tattoo design.

So "pick a pair" or two pair or three pair or four. Here's a tip! They make great gifts, so stock up while supplies last.